GABRIELLE ALICINO, Manager of Partnerships
TeamGABRIELLE ALICINO, Manager of Partnerships,
Gabrielle’s experience draws on community development and education grounded in a passion for social justice. After graduating from the University of Pennsylvania with a BA in Urban Studies, Gabrielle was awarded the Fox Leadership Fellowship to work directly with nonprofit leaders in New Orleans. During her time as a Fox Fellow, Gabrielle worked at Catholic Charities to develop a collaborative care program and went on to manage Providence Community Housing’s NEWCITY Neighborhood Partnership, a coalition committed to collaborative planning and information sharing for the economic and community development of New Orleans. Through her work as a Fox Fellow, Gabrielle developed a strong commitment to the city of New Orleans and was asked to serve on the board of Broad Community Connections, an organization committed to revitalizing the neighborhoods along Broad Street via fresh food access and health education, economic opportunity, and the built environment.