Preview of Application Questions


Because the online form for the application cannot be saved once in progress, see below in order to review the questions in advance of starting the form. Thanks!


Name of School District *
Who is completing this application? (Your Full Name) *
Your Title *
Your Role *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
District Mailing Address *
How many students does your district serve? *
How many total schools are within your district? *
How many elementary schools are within your district? *
What percentage of students in your district qualify for free and reduced lunch? *
What percentage of students in your district are minority students? *
What percentage of schools in your district are performing: at a high level of academic performance, an average level, and a lower level? Please indicate the data you’re using to make this determination. *
Are schools in your district ready to innovate? Why or why not? *
What value do you see this Fellowship bringing to your district? *
What problem, if solved, would be transformational for your students? *
What is at the center of school leaders’ conversations in your district right now? *
What achievement and opportunity gaps exist in your district? How are these being addressed? *
What knowledge, skills, and mindsets would you like to see your school leaders and teacher leaders develop? *
How might a school participating in this Fellowship present a learning opportunity for your district at large?
How will you contribute back to the larger community of systems leaders from across the country who are driving innovation in education?
What is unique about your district? What is unique about what you are doing as a district?
In your perspective, what would be the ideal outcome of this Fellowship for your district? How might we know if we’re on track towards achieving this outcome?
Please list the schools in your district that you’re encouraging to apply for the TrueSchool Fellowship:
What question are we not asking that we should be asking?
Please answer the above question.
Anything else you would like to share with us.


School District *
School Name *
Your Full Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
School Mailing Address *
How many students does your school serve? *
What grades? *
What’s your total number of faculty and staff members? *
What percentage of students in your school qualify for free and reduced lunch? *
What percentage of students in your school are minority students? *
How does your school’s academic performance compare to other schools in the district? Please indicate the data you’re using to make this determination. *
Which of the following best describes your school’s location? *
Is your school ready to innovate? Why or why not? *
What value do you see this Fellowship bringing to your school? *
What problem, if solved, would be transformational for your students? *
What kinds of “innovations” excite you? What do you think has big potential to transform our work in education? *
Share a specific example of a school-wide initiative or change effort you’ve led. Include who was involved, the context, and the outcomes. *
What is at the center of teachers’ conversations in your school right now? *
What achievement and opportunity gaps exist in your school? How are these being addressed? *
What knowledge, skills, and mindsets would you like to see your teacher leaders develop through this experience? *
What knowledge, skills, and mindsets would you like to develop yourself, as a school leader, through this experience? *
In your perspective, what would be the ideal outcome of a Fellowship like this for your school? *
If you are selected as a Fellow, how will you contribute back to the larger community of TrueSchool Fellows and Alumni leading innovation in schools across the country? *
What question are we not asking that we should be asking?
Please answer the above question.
Anything else you would like to share with us?