Teacher Leader Application Page

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Get creative and try something new with the 2020 TrueSchool Fellowship. TrueSchool is currently accepting applications for schools in North Carolina, Nebraska, and Missouri to participate in the fully funded 2020 TrueSchool Fellowship. We are excited by what teachers who participated in the 2018-2019 Fellowship are telling us, and we are eager to create exceptional results for students with teachers across these three states. Hannah Vance a second grade teacher at A.B. Newell Elementary in Grand Island Nebraska said, 


“TrueSchool has given us an opportunity, as a team, to pinpoint areas of need in our building. Through the process, our team has been able to take steps toward providing teachers with the tools needed to implement research-based strategies within their classroom that will positively affect their student growth in the area of literacy.”


Apply with permission from your principal to be one of the schools selected to accelerate your solutions for students.



Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis as outlined below. In order to be considered for the program a teacher leader or principal must apply. 

  • September 15th: Priority Application Deadline
  • October 15th: Final Application Deadline

Note: 70% of Fellows will be selected from those who apply before the priority deadline. Apply Now!

The application must be completed online. A preview of the application questions can be found here to allow you to prepare a competitive fellowship application.



Each school selected for the Fellowship will choose a team of 3-4 teacher leaders including the principal to take part in a unique year long professional learning experience from January to November of 2020. 



The TrueSchool Fellowship supports educators in a wide range of change and innovation efforts. This action-oriented Fellowship has 3 core components: in person facilitated studios, virtual coaching with a trained TrueSchool Coach, and fieldwork conducted by school teams over the course of the year. For more information on our programs, click here. To learn more about our findings from the 2018-2019 Fellowship view our Final Evaluation Report.



Studios are the only component of the Fellowship which will require teams to travel. There will be four total over the course of the Fellowship and they will bring schools teams from across the state together in central locations.


Interested in learning more about the TrueSchool Fellowship?
Sign up for a 30-minute webinar with our Impact Team for more details and Q&A.

Our Manager of Impact and State Leads will share our approach, our results, and a deep dive into the learning experience for school teams.  Note: You are welcome to RSVP and join ANY of the below webinars.  

  • Webinar 1 with Missouri State Lead  Sept 9, 3:30-4 CT       RSVP here!
  • Webinar 2 with North Carolina State Lead  October 2, 4:30-5 ET/3:30-4 CT      RSVP here!
  • Webinar 3 with Nebraska State Lead October 3, 10-10:30 CT     RSVP here!

Frequently Asked Questions

If my school participated in the 2018-2019 Fellowship can I reapply for the 2020 Fellowship?
Yes! we encourage school teams to reapply for the 2020 Fellowship.

Can a teacher complete the school team Fellowship Application?
Yes! With permission from a principal, a teacher can submit the school application. 

Does the whole school team attend studios? When and where will they be held?
Yes, each school team attends 4 in person Studios over the course of 2020. Each Studio will take place at a driving accessible location for one full Saturday. The first Studio will take place in late January or early February, the second studio will take place in early April. The third Studio will be held in early August, and the fourth Studio will be held in mid-October. Precise Studio dates and locations will be announced once the 2020 Fellows are confirmed. 

What kind of work will school teams be doing in between Studios?
Between Studios team members will conduct Fieldwork. During this portion of the Fellowship team members apply put the deep thinking from Studios into action. Team members gather student and other stakeholder perspectives, prototype solutions, and measure results. 

Do all team members need to be grade level classroom teachers?
No, many of our most successful team members have been specialists in their schools such as librarians, media coordinators, and ELL teachers. Any exceptional educator at your school can be selected for your school team! 

Are there opportunities for schools to receive funding to expand their work?
Yes! At the conclusion of the Fellowship micro-investing grants are made available to selected exceptional teams. These funds allow team members to continue to scale what the tools they built over the course of the Fellowship.