Fred T. Korematsu Middle School


School Website


Matt Burnham
Blair Krug
Sarah LaDue
Pedro Uriostegue


Problem = Our area of focus will be the lack of collaborative staff culture because staff collaboration is vital to creating the most engaging student lessons possible.  Additionally, a lack of staff culture may be related to the general sense that students want more adult-student engagement.


How might we build trust and vulnerability amongst staff in order to increase student engagement by leveraging
our built-in collaboration time?


During collaboration, teachers met in departments to plan standards-based lessons and teaching strategies for delivering content. During the planning session, teachers also developed a brief assessment to determine whether or not students accomplished the teaching objective. During a follow up collaboration, teachers brought
in the completed assessments and determined the percentage of students who met the standard. They also completed an error analysis with the student work that did not meet the standard. After reviewing student work, teachers developed an action plan for continued progress or standards reinforcement. The collaboration calendar was calibrated to allow for multiple PDSA cycles to occur before the end of the year. The staff was walked through the full process and given a protocol for completing for each stage. Protocols were stored in a Google Folder and accessible by all staff members.


1) Staff will be able to articulate
a unified school vision.
2) Staff collaboration will utilize
PDSA cycle ongoing

The overall percentage of students reaching or exceeding standard proficiency will increase by 5% each school year


There will be an increase of students exiting intervention classes and the reclassification of EL students.

Increase of staff collaboration in order to achieve content objectives and effective, engaging lessons for students.